Please read the following rules carefully before signing up.

You agree to be of legal age in your country to partake in this program, and in all the cases your minimal age must be 18 years. is not available to the general public and is opened only to the qualified members of, the use of this site is restricted to our members and to individuals personally invited by them. Every deposit is considered to be a private transaction between and its Member.

You agree that all information, communications, materials coming from are unsolicited and must be kept private, confidential and protected from any disclosure. Moreover, the information, communications and materials contained herein are not to be regarded as an offer, nor a solicitation for investments in any jurisdiction which deems non-public offers or solicitations unlawful, nor to any person to whom it will be unlawful to make such offer or solicitation.

All the data given by a member to will be only privately used and not disclosed to any third parties. is not responsible or liable for any loss of data.

RISK WARNING Cryptocurrencies, including, without limitation, Bitcoin and Ethereum, and the blockchain industry in general, are subject to a very high degree of uncertainty. Investors in cryptocurrency CFDs are exposed to a number of additional risks not present in more traditional investments. These risks are set out below, but this is not an exhaustive list. Extreme Market Risk: Cryptocurrencies are subject to extreme price volatility as evidenced by the large daily movements in the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum since their inception. Although the prices of a number of cryptocurrencies appreciated considerably throughout 2017, the price of many have also crashed on multiple occasions, for example previously, Bitcoin has fallen by as much as 80% in a single day. Many market commentators have warned that the recent price rise in cryptocurrencies is a “bubble”. Cryptocurrency markets do not close and so sudden price swings could occur at any time. Regulatory Risk: Cryptocurrencies are alternatives to traditional fiat currencies issued by governments and the anonymity of cryptocurrencies means that they may be used to facilitate money laundering or other illegal activities. As a result, governments may seek to regulate, restrict or ban the use and sale of cryptocurrencies, and some have already taken this approach. Any such regulatory action may impact the value of cryptocurrencies. You agree to hold all principals and members harmless of any liability. You are investing at your own risk and you agree that a past performance is not an explicit guarantee for the same future performance. You agree that all information, communications and materials you will find on this site are intended to be regarded as an informational and educational matter and not an investment advice.

We reserve the right to change the rules, commissions and rates of the program at any time and at our sole discretion without notice, especially in order to respect the integrity and security of the members' interests. You agree that it is your sole responsibility to review the current terms. is not responsible or liable for any damages, losses and costs resulting from any violation of the conditions and terms and/or use of our website by a member.
You guarantee to that you will not use this site in any illegal way and you agree to respect your local, national and international laws.

Don't post bad vote on Public Forums and at Gold Rating Site without contacting the administrator of our program FIRST. Maybe there was a technical problem with your transaction, so please always CLEAR the thing with the administrator.

We will not tolerate SPAM or any type of UCE in this program. SPAM violators will be immediately and permanently removed from the program. reserves the right to accept or decline any member for membership without explanation.

If you do not agree with the above disclaimer, please do not go any further.